Oddly, I really like these wedge sneakers from H&M. Not usually my style but its something fun and different! Not Spice Girl shoes lol So…What do you think about them... Dope 'em or Dump 'em
.:Fresh Princess:. A Stiletto In A Sneaker World
Basically, I write the 1st thing that pops into my head about whatever I post. Consequently, u will enjoy dope fashions, new music, and a plethora of hotness. Share your thoughts, as we walk this runway together!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Jeffrey Campbell DIY!!
Man... I love Jeffrey Campbell shoes! I also love a good off season sale. I bought this pair of shoes by Soda for $5. I do a lot of off season shopping because stores put boots out while we still have time to wear sandals. Anyway, I loved theses looks from last summer, and decided to recreate it. The entire project cost $7.48! Say What O_o!!
I'm sure this summer I will still be flyy in last summers trend. Studded fashion isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So I will show you how I went from this:
To this in a few easy steps...
What you will Need:

- A pair of shoes with a cork wedged heel. You can also use espadrilles because they already have a pattern in them. (But that's a slightly different look)
- Gold Thumb Tacks. Which I got from the dollar store. I got 5 packs of 200 only because they were $1. I only used 2 packs and that is a huge heel to cover.
- Pin tool or something sharp to pierce the cork.
- Small hammer or something heavy to tap the thumbtacks.
- Optional a pencil and straight edge. (I used a nail file. It was the closest thing to me lol.)
Ok lets do this.
Step 1:
Place thumb tack upside down to measure where to make the hole.
Step 2:
Use pin tool to make the hole for the thumb tack.
Step 3. (optional)
Use a straight edge to draw a line of reference as you make the pattern.
(Don't push the pin tool all the way through the heel. It could make your hole too big.)

Step 4:
After all the thumb tacks are in place take your hammer and tap the ones that are not completely in the cork. And Voila!
!!!!!Extra Tips!!!!!
- Wear a thimble on your thumb. Or wrap with a couple band aids... Pushing those thumb tacks was no joke....in
- I found it more precise to make a vertical pattern than horizontal for these. Follow the pattern in the shoe it is much easier.
- Do one side at a time THEN try to follow a pattern on the back of the heel. I just had to eyeball it to fill in spaces.
- Stay encouraged! It took a while on the 1st shoe. Once I got a good sense if things it took half the time on the other.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
One of my favorite things to do is...
...Paint! In an attempt to help me create a portfolio, my good friend asked me to paint a pair of shoes for his bff's Christmas gift. Of course I was geeked because that's what I do... I paint shit... Whatever I have in the closet that I don't wear or needs to be updated I throw some paint on it.
(( Be on the Lo_OK Out for more of my hand painted "stuff" lol))
Anyway, she loved her shoes! She said she liked them the way they were made so I kept it simple.
Please Tell me what you think! I love feedback: tips, techniques and suggestions!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Art & Coolin' with EMLE
This time last night I was super excited to be attending a very dope artistic event at the Untitled Bottega in Downtown Detroit … The EMLE xHibition was a nice mix of cool people mingling, enjoying unique art, comedy and sounds by a live dj. Artist, Emery Jones aka John xDope, is a Detroit artist who has an amazing rang of talents which include fashion, music, painting and acting. With his homeboy Myke Wright, who is a comedian and funny as hell, they create a very dynamic duo.
I am sad to say that I had to leave earlier than expected so I missed the raffle for custom EMLE products, and live improve skit with the EMLE Crew. Yes, I cried a little inside, but I did get a chance get in a session of Live Questions with EMLE! (Which I will post eventually) That made my night! It was a simple 3 question interview but the questions make you give an on spot witty answer… you gotta see it!
The xHibition was free admission and free drinks! That’s what I’m talking about. They showed their supporters madd love; and for that, their supporters will always stay down. That’s fact. I left with a free DVD that was super funny yo! A unique EMLE sticky, and a really nice overall experience. You could really feel the love in the atmosphere as well as a sense of accomplishment. It was truly well deserved. I managed to snap a few pics, but clearly, I am not a photographer- but yeah you will get it…
Hit up these links~Go check them out & follow on twitter. Now! J
Custom EMLE Crew Necks (A few of my favorites!)
These paintings are so bomb! They remind me of an updated version of velvet paintings of black women in the 70's!! In the words of Andre Leon Talley This is something I would hang in my Salon!
The ominous clouds and the sensuality of the woman kinda play against each other. I love this one.
Ok. I was like yo are those street signs in the background?! That's fresh! The effect of the reflectors in the background is really creative!
I decided to give my old lappy lappy a makeover... Pow! Check out the handmade EMLE Sticky... yes that is a Postal address label!! That dope ideas was probably stemmed from budgeting lol it works for me!
So let me what you think!
Going Forward...
Today is December 30, 2011. As we prepare to say get the fuck on to 2011...because from what I see most people had a wack year... I am thinking of a 10 Step Master Plan.
I do not make New Year's Resolutions and all that jive... but I have decided that I need a fresh start.
So here are the main goals to put my Master Plan to work.
1. Be more consistent with my blog. This is my baby and I need to nurture it.
2. Create a legit portfolio.
3. Use time wisely. Pick up a paint brush every time I am "bored". Constantly create.
4. Start using my talent to make some of that mo-nay! Jewelry, pottery, shoe design... I'm trying to do it all!
5. Learn, grow, network and expand my mind.
6. Become more spiritual and healthy.
7. Save money in Every way possible. (who doesn't have that on their list...)
8. Maintain at least a 3.8 GPA
9. Become more organized so I can maintain the Master Plan.
10. Always keep my goal ahead of me. Make correct choices, and set realistic expectations.
So everyone, I want you to have a beautiful New Year Celebration! I hope you party hard and look good doin' it baby!!
I do not make New Year's Resolutions and all that jive... but I have decided that I need a fresh start.
So here are the main goals to put my Master Plan to work.
1. Be more consistent with my blog. This is my baby and I need to nurture it.
2. Create a legit portfolio.
3. Use time wisely. Pick up a paint brush every time I am "bored". Constantly create.
4. Start using my talent to make some of that mo-nay! Jewelry, pottery, shoe design... I'm trying to do it all!
5. Learn, grow, network and expand my mind.
6. Become more spiritual and healthy.
7. Save money in Every way possible. (who doesn't have that on their list...)
8. Maintain at least a 3.8 GPA
9. Become more organized so I can maintain the Master Plan.
10. Always keep my goal ahead of me. Make correct choices, and set realistic expectations.
So everyone, I want you to have a beautiful New Year Celebration! I hope you party hard and look good doin' it baby!!
Fresh Princess,
New Year,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Fashion on the Field: 10 of the Best & Worst College Football Uniforms
My love of fashion and all things dope is very extensive. From head bands to red bottoms I can probably name it all… but what you all didn’t know is I am a huge football fan! So this is the point where fashion meets football.
I was challenged by a friend to write my views on the looks of football jerseys. He wrote one as well Go check it out! This was exciting because since my home team the Detroit Lions don’t usually make the playoffs , I root for the team with the most coordinated color scheme. After reading my dear friends blog I realized he meant College football … womp womp… lol there are a million of those. Anyway…
There is some irony to my “research”. I read Forbes lists of most valuable teams, and who had the best endorsements. Those were the teams with the bomb jerseys! That's not fair… All the other schools had the most tired looking ashy basic, peewee football, looking junk. Then on the other hand schools spend all this money making them look good just to go out and get torn up and dirty. They don't even know weather there team's skill is really worth the investment. At least when I spend a lot of money on a pair of shoes I'm sure my style will be a success.
Honestlly, most schools rely on their sports teams’ success to bring in new student recruits, an active campus involvement and most importantly revenue. Now who wants to see a team in those tired looking jerseys?? I mean really, when you look good you perform better...
If it were up to me one team would be black one team would be white, and the cleats would be the focal point! Anyway...
If it were up to me one team would be black one team would be white, and the cleats would be the focal point! Anyway...
Here are The Touchdowns and the Fouls… Who made it to the In Zone and who continues to Warm the Bench??
1. Florida Gators: Love this because the colors are bright and the style reminds me of a LaCosta polo tee. You can NEVER go wrong with a polo, like ever.
7. Maryland: I don’t expect men to always get patterns right, especially mixing them; but, for some strange reason I really like the new uniform. It is so different and it gives the players a flare that a lot of teams lack big time.
8. U of M: This is what I have grown up looking at The Blue and The Gold! It is classic and bold. Although it has been duplicated no one can wear it like a Wolverine.
9. Texas Christian: As far as I am concerned, purple and black look good under any circumstance. Purple is the color of royalty, so why not?
10. Grambling State: I saved the best for last! They look like Pittsburgh Steelers. Un huh you know what it is…Black and yellow. I chose this school because the spirit of this school is so hype. Believe the hype baby. They would still make my list if they played in pink panther suits!
1. Wyoming: Brown and yellow is a nasty color scheme. That’s just ugly… Next!
2. Cincinnati Bear Cats: This is an example of complicating something so simple. Firstly what the hell is a Bear Cat?? Lol, Secondly, why the big scratch on the pants? Men don’t scratch. Black and white would have been sufficient without the scratches.

3. Clemson Tigers: They look like Circus Tigers, Whoa Maybe they use their uniforms to blind their opponent.
4. Florida A&M: Lord have mercy lol

6. Southern Mississippi: That yellow has to go! I can’t take a bunch of men in yellow serious when they come out looking like Tweety Bird. So… Yeah I said it… Tweety Bird.
7. Iowa State: All I have to say is Ketchup and Mustard. Flag! No condiments on the field, Please!
8.Tennessee: Whoa there... that's just hideous total dreckitude!! Looking at this make me want to have fashtrum! (that's a fashion tantrum, for when there is nothing that can make it better)
9. Delaware: Looks like the Dollar Store version of U of M uniforms.
10. Syracuse: That is the worst color combo! I know that NY is one of the fashion capitals where not matching is supposed to work. But this scheme is simply incomplete.
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