Friday, December 30, 2011

Going Forward...

Today is December 30, 2011. As we prepare to say get the fuck on to 2011...because from what I see most people had a wack year... I am thinking of a 10 Step Master Plan.

I do not make New Year's Resolutions and all that jive... but I have decided that I need a fresh start.
So here are the main goals to put my Master Plan to work.

1. Be more consistent with my blog. This is my baby and I need to nurture it.
2. Create a legit portfolio.
3. Use time wisely. Pick up a paint brush every time I am "bored". Constantly create.
4. Start using my talent to make some of that mo-nay! Jewelry, pottery, shoe design... I'm trying to do it all!
5. Learn, grow, network and expand my mind.
6. Become more spiritual and healthy.
7. Save money in Every way possible. (who doesn't have that on their list...)
8. Maintain at least a 3.8 GPA
9. Become more organized so I can maintain the Master Plan.
10. Always keep my goal ahead of me. Make correct choices, and set realistic expectations.

So everyone, I want you to have a beautiful New Year Celebration! I hope you party hard and look good doin' it baby!!

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