My love of fashion and all things dope is very extensive. From head bands to red bottoms I can probably name it all… but what you all didn’t know is I am a huge football fan! So this is the point where fashion meets football.
I was challenged by a friend to write my views on the looks of football jerseys. He wrote one as well Go check it out! This was exciting because since my home team the Detroit Lions don’t usually make the playoffs , I root for the team with the most coordinated color scheme. After reading my dear friends blog I realized he meant College football … womp womp… lol there are a million of those. Anyway…
There is some irony to my “research”. I read Forbes lists of most valuable teams, and who had the best endorsements. Those were the teams with the bomb jerseys! That's not fair… All the other schools had the most tired looking ashy basic, peewee football, looking junk. Then on the other hand schools spend all this money making them look good just to go out and get torn up and dirty. They don't even know weather there team's skill is really worth the investment. At least when I spend a lot of money on a pair of shoes I'm sure my style will be a success.
Honestlly, most schools rely on their sports teams’ success to bring in new student recruits, an active campus involvement and most importantly revenue. Now who wants to see a team in those tired looking jerseys?? I mean really, when you look good you perform better...
If it were up to me one team would be black one team would be white, and the cleats would be the focal point! Anyway...
If it were up to me one team would be black one team would be white, and the cleats would be the focal point! Anyway...
Here are The Touchdowns and the Fouls… Who made it to the In Zone and who continues to Warm the Bench??
1. Florida Gators: Love this because the colors are bright and the style reminds me of a LaCosta polo tee. You can NEVER go wrong with a polo, like ever.
7. Maryland: I don’t expect men to always get patterns right, especially mixing them; but, for some strange reason I really like the new uniform. It is so different and it gives the players a flare that a lot of teams lack big time.
8. U of M: This is what I have grown up looking at The Blue and The Gold! It is classic and bold. Although it has been duplicated no one can wear it like a Wolverine.
9. Texas Christian: As far as I am concerned, purple and black look good under any circumstance. Purple is the color of royalty, so why not?
10. Grambling State: I saved the best for last! They look like Pittsburgh Steelers. Un huh you know what it is…Black and yellow. I chose this school because the spirit of this school is so hype. Believe the hype baby. They would still make my list if they played in pink panther suits!
1. Wyoming: Brown and yellow is a nasty color scheme. That’s just ugly… Next!
2. Cincinnati Bear Cats: This is an example of complicating something so simple. Firstly what the hell is a Bear Cat?? Lol, Secondly, why the big scratch on the pants? Men don’t scratch. Black and white would have been sufficient without the scratches.

3. Clemson Tigers: They look like Circus Tigers, Whoa Maybe they use their uniforms to blind their opponent.
4. Florida A&M: Lord have mercy lol
5. Louisiana Tech: It’s nice to be patriotic and everything, but I expected red white and blue form a Military school. Plus it’s ugly.
6. Southern Mississippi: That yellow has to go! I can’t take a bunch of men in yellow serious when they come out looking like Tweety Bird. So… Yeah I said it… Tweety Bird.
7. Iowa State: All I have to say is Ketchup and Mustard. Flag! No condiments on the field, Please!
8.Tennessee: Whoa there... that's just hideous total dreckitude!! Looking at this make me want to have fashtrum! (that's a fashion tantrum, for when there is nothing that can make it better)
9. Delaware: Looks like the Dollar Store version of U of M uniforms.
10. Syracuse: That is the worst color combo! I know that NY is one of the fashion capitals where not matching is supposed to work. But this scheme is simply incomplete.